Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

They came... They saw... They panicked...

No recent update of what I’m currently working on but I have been real busy working on my houses project. I’ll update on that when I’m done with it and hopefully ready to have the first ones on sale. In the meantime, I thought I’ll share something that really made me laugh. The pictures come from an artist called Aled Lewis, he called the series “Toy Stories”. There are some real little gems in there.

Although this is not related in any way with him, it really made me think about that Belgium/French movie called “A town called panic” from 2009. If you can, do watch it as it’s quite brilliant, weird and hobby sort of related. I’ll just put the link of the official website as it’s almost impossible to describe. That’s the storyline from IMDB:

Animated plastic toys like Cowboy, Indian and Horse have problems, too. Cowboy and Indian's plan to surprise Horse with a homemade birthday gift backfires when they destroy his house instead. Surreal adventures take over as the trio travel to the centre of the earth, trek across frozen tundra and discover a parallel underwater universe where pointy-headed (and dishonest!) creatures live. With panic a permanent feature of life in this papier mâché town, will Horse and his girlfriend ever be alone?

See what I mean?

Pas de mise à jour sur ce que je travaille en ce moment mais j’ai été super occupé à travailler sur mes maisons. Je posterais la dessus quand je serais prêt à mettre les premières en vente. En attendant, j’en profite pour partager quelques images qui m’ont beaucoup plu. Elles appartiennent a un artiste du nom d’Aled Lewis, il s’agit de la série « Toy Stories ». Certaines sont vraiment sympas.

Ca n’a rien à voir avec lui mais ca m’a vraiment fait pense à ce film belge/francais « Panique au Village » de 2009. Ceux qui lisent ce post en Français connaissent très probablement. Si ce n’est pas le cas, allez le voir. J’ai mis la bande annonce plus haut car c’est presque impossible de décrire l’univers.


  1. Those are very good, made me smile.

  2. The one Le Grand Sommeil now that´s very silly..especially the last bit with the postman.

  3. I remember myself that one with the rabbits and the fox :-) But the other ones let me smile also ;-)

    Nice blog Stephane - following ;-)


  4. Nice especially the rabbit and fox.:-)

