Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Monday 30 January 2017

Conan Pirates

A big batch of pirates for Conan done with a few special characters. I tried to vary them a bit but time is of the essence here. The main pirate model is nice enough but 15 of them is a shore, anyway closing down on these large batch of models.

Une longue série de pirates avec quelques personnages spéciaux. J'ai essaye de varier les couleurs mais c'est surtout un exercice de rapidité plus qu'autre chose. La figurine pirate de base est chouette mais en faire 15 est très chiant malheureusement. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Mansions of Madness: Beyond the Threshold

Mansions of Madness: Beyond the Threshold models. So you get 4 horrors and 2 heroes, a few tiles and welcomed clue tokens and 2 new scenarios that you can download. I wish they'd have added more dice and a few more things as I found the box a bit bare really for the price. Models are decent but nothing special, 4 identical models which is always a downer. I've kept the same basing and style to fit with the rest of collection.

Les figurines de la dernière expansion, aucune idée du nom en Français ou même si c'est traduit. Il y a 4 monstres et 2 héros, 2 nouveaux scénarios a télécharger et des tuiles. Ils auraient pu rajouter des dés et quelques trucs en plus car je la trouve un peu vide la boite et chère pour ce qu'il y a dedans. J'ai peints et soclé dans le même style que mes autres figurines de la collection.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Blood Bowl, the Orcs

This had to be the first team to paint as they have always been a favourite. New models are really awesome and the humans are nearly finished. So much looking forward to play this again...

J'ai biens sur commence avec les orques car ils sont superbes. Les nouvelles figurines sont vraiment top, se montent super bien. Les humains sont finis et je vais attaquer les rats. Il me tarde d'y rejouer...

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Townhouse 2 from Tabletop World

First post of the year..I took time off painting during the whole Christmas Holiday so it felt quite refreshing to go back to the bench. I also used that time to think a lot about what to paint and prioritise so you should see a lot of scenery coming up, also lots of Conan and Zombicide Black Plague. I'll also do the Blood Bowl teams, orcs are already finished and humans on the go.
Anyway, I had time to finish another house from Tabletop World before the holidays. Their models are as good as ever,I think it's Town House 2 in their catalogue, hope you like it...