Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Monday 25 February 2013

Kazyk The Befouled On Rot Beast

Here is the latest paint job and probably the foulest beast I've ever done. The miniature is from ForgeWorld and is really stunning in my opinion. The level of details and textures is incredible: I mean he sculpted maggots!!!! It was obviously a great pleasure to paint, I tried to be as disgusting as possible, well for the beast anyway. I did a special base for it that will go in the shop soon along with a few others, more on that later. Feel free to give me a vote if that's your thing:


Voila la derniere peinture, dsl je fais vite pour le texte en francais. Super mini de chez Forgeworld. Petit vote si ca vous dit.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Crab monsters

A quick update of recent paint jobs. I've just moved in the new place and I'm still without an internet  connection (slow death). I just finished this group and have no idea where they're from. I 've got no clue who did them so if any reader knows...please. I called them crab monsters because they look like like half ogres - half crabs. I initially thought they were from the Mortebrume range but they're not. Anyway, they're still some nice looking metal miniatures. I' ve been painting a lot in the last 2 weeks and will update regularly now although I'm doing it from an iPad which I HATE!!!

Petite mise a jour rapide. Je fais ca sur iPad (quelle horeur). J'ai pas mal peint donc je vais uploader pas mal de photos parcontre ca sera court niveau texte. Aucune idee d'ou viennent ces monstres moitie ogre-moitie crabes. De jolies figurines en tout cas...

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Togan and Cecilia

This is probably my last update for a few weeks as I'm moving house again. Thanks to BT, I’ll be without a phone line and internet connection for at least a month. I guess that’s what happens when you live in such a remote part of the world as South East England, it takes time to get things done. Anyway, this is my last paint job and will be joining the rank of the previous Bloodbowl team as club owner and secretary. This is the first mini from Soda Pop I painted, besides the whole Super Dungeon thing. I was quite impressed as it’s superbly detailed. I struggled to get a nice picture with focus being on either characters or the books. Anyway, not much to add, see you all in awhile. I might try to put some updates up with the IPad as I've got a lot of painting to do.

Ceci sera probablement mon dernier post pour quelques semaines car je déménage une nouvelle fois. Un  grand merci au British Telecom qui auront besoin d’un mois pour pouvoir nous installer une ligne téléphonique, c’est sur que d’habiter dans une région aussi dépeuplée que le Sud Est de l’Angleterre a ses inconvénients. Bref, les figurines en question font parties de la gamme Soda Pop Miniatures et iront rejoindre l’équipe de rats pour Bloodbowl en tant que propriétaire de Club et secrétaire. C’est la première mini de chez eux que je peints en dehors de la boite Super Dungeon. Je suis bien impressionne, figurines superbement détaillées. Pas grand-chose à rajouter si ce n’est rendez-vous dans quelques semaines. J’essaierais de créer quelques post avec l’iPad mais je ne promets rien, je déteste cette machine.