Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Friday 21 December 2018

Last Scenery Update for 2018

Last Scenery update for 2018...I restocked some of the cemetery and mausoleum dioramas. I also did another fountain from Fenris Game. I'll be busy early 2019 with Rising Sun commission and some other projects so will struggle to find time to do more scenery probably. Will keep the update s coming though. Shop

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Nightvault Arcane Hazards

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault Arcane Hazards Painted is back in stock in the shop.

Monday 17 December 2018

Nighthaunt Black Coach

Nighthaunt Black Coach from GW...Probably the best kit I've painted this year (non scenery one that is). It's a nice addition to the army, really need ot do a group shot at some point. Available in the shop

Friday 14 December 2018

Friday's Scenery Update

Townhouse 2 and Townhouse 3 from Tabletop World, beautiful models, I particularly like the tall chimney one. Available from the shop.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

The Megatrakk Scrapjet

The Megatrakk Scrapjet, one of the latest Ork release. It'll work brilliantly for any car game, easily my favourite of the lot, I find the vehicle really cool. Again, it took so long to put together and super fats to paint. A few scenery debris, can't remember where they're from and it doesn't matter as they are the worst pieces I've ever seen. Cast in foam, absolute crap, got them at salute last year for very cheap.

Friday 7 December 2018

Friday's Scenery Update...

Worked on a mixed bag of projects this week. I managed to finish one of the latest GW kits: Azyrite Town. It's a really good kit which will be popular with most skirmish gamers. Available in the shop

Monday 3 December 2018

Speed Freeks

Trying to be as fast as possible doing these, I managed to finish the Kustom Boosta-Blasta and the Shokkjump Dragsta from the core box of Speed Freeks. It's really taking ages to put them together, actually twice the time it took me to paint them...I'm not fitting them on bases as I really don't like the look with it and I'm hoping to play other games involving cars with them (Gaslands I'm looking at you :) ). I've got another one on the go, will probably do the series as I really love these models.