Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Space Hulk Marines

Something I’m working at a very slow pace as it’s really not a priority right now. I do plan to have it done by 2014 though. I’ve kept the same colour pattern as the previous set I painted. W40K is really not my favourite stuff but these models are really good, can’t argue with the quality. About another 8-9 models t go^^Next update in 6 months!

Un projet qui prend son temps, vraiment trop de temps à vrai dire. C’est le problème de repeindre un set qu’on a déjà fait, la motivation est pas la à 100 % même si j’adore les figurines. Bon, j’espère tout de même finir tout ça avant 2014. J’adore la science fiction mais l’univers 40K ce n’est pas ma tasse de thé. Encore 8-9 figurines à faire je crois, prochain post dans 6 mois !

Sunday 24 March 2013

Theodore Bruckner and Reaper

This is a superb kit from Forge World with both versions of the Theodore, mounted and on feet. It also comes with a choice of heads which is quite nice. It’s not the most difficult of kits to put together but still tricky enough. It was a real pleasure to paint as I've not done any Empire stuff in bloody ages!!! 

Anyway, hope you like it, here’s the link from the manufacturer: Theodore on Reaper.

Un superbe kit de chez Forge World qui vient avec les 2 versions de Theodore, à pied et monté. Il y  a aussi un choix pour les têtes, ce qui est sympa. Ce n’est pas un kit super difficile à monter mais quelques sections parties délicates tout de même. Un vrai plaisir à peindre surtout que je n’avais pas fait de pièces de l’Empire depuis des lustres ! 

Bref, j’espère qu’elle vous plaira, voici le lien sur Forge World : Theodore on Reaper.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Ork onTriceratops conversion

I’m currently working on an unusual conversion. The idea was to transform the Triceratops model from Dark Sword into an Ork beast of war. The customer sent me a very nice model from DragonRune Miniatures to use as rider and a goblin shaman (no idea where from) as part of the team. I also had quite a few bits left from some previous ogre work which seriously helped.
The initial model is ridden by an Amazon with a bit of a jungle theme which I changed by adding armour bits, weapons, random pieces of meat…The trickiest part of the conversion were to change the left arm of the Ork and “elongating” the neck of the Triceratops to be able to fit the new chair. I’m not going to explain everything I had to do but the pictures will show better.
I’m quite advanced on the painting, so that should be up soon.

Je suis en train de travailler sur une conversion orque. L’idée est de transformer le Triceratops de chez Dark Sword en machine de guerre orque. Le client m’a aussi envoyé un orque de chez DragonRune pour monter la bête ainsi qu’un shaman Goblin. J’ai aussi rajouté pas mal de pièces provenant de kits ogres.
Le modèle initial est monté par une Amazone donc il fallait changer le thème un peu en rajoutant des pièces d’armures, armes, morceaux de viande…Les parties les plus délicates furent de changer le bras gauche de l’orque et allonger le coup du Triceratops afin d’accommoder le nouveau siège. Je ne vais pas tout expliquer mais les photos en diront plus long.
Je suis pas mal avancé sur la peinture donc les photos devraient suivre dans pas longtemps.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Room 25

I was planning to write this update from my computer once the internet was finally connected but as it happens the boat that was carrying the wires to do that has been attacked by Somalis  pirates and I'm therefore waiting to hear more about It from BT. So, I decided to carry on with the updates with the iPad.
Here are the models from Room 25. Room 25 is a board game inspired by "The Cube", 90's popular sci-fi movie. I could put up a link to the publisher or BGG but it takes about 30mns of my time to do that on this machine so I'll let you do it if you're interested. The models are pretty basic, terribly cast but for the price you can't really complain (in the £20 region for the whole game). I think it's a good selection of characters. I did a super quick job which involved fixing the legs of 3 of them which were completely snapped in 2.
Anyway, looking forward to play this one.

Voici les figurines pour le jeu Room 25. Dsl, je fais ca mode rapide et texto car je n'ai toujours pas d'internet. Apparement, le bateau qui transportait les cables a ete attaque par des pirates Somaliens et j'attends plus de nouvelles des Telecom. Je vous tiens au courant...

Sunday 10 March 2013

Sayl The Faithless And Nightmaw

A really quick update as I still don't have any internet connection (Thanks BT, its only been 6 weeks since we moved in). Here is another beautiful sculpt from Forgeworld. Nightmaw is particularly well detailed and textured, a real pleasure to paint. I've done quite a few new bases that will be available through the website shortly, well whenever I can acces the internet from home. Here's the link on CMON if that's your thing:

Toujours pas d'internet donc je fais ca texto mode rapide. Une sculpture de chez Forgeworld, superbement detaillee et tres agreable a peindre, la creature en particulier.