Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Blood Rage Large Creatures + Special Characters

I'm done with Blood Rage for a bit. I still have the 5th faction to do and the 2 other mini-expansions but I want to do something else for now. They were great to paint,  really enjoyed even if I had to rush it. The special characters were a mixed bag, the dwarf is ass-ugly, easily the ugliest miniature I've done in a while.Anyway, onto Black Plague and some new stuff...

J'en ai fini avec Blood rage pour le moment. Il me reste encore la cinquième faction et les 2 mini-expansions mais j'ai envie de faire autre chose pour le moment. Ce fut un régal, les monstres sont fantastiques pour du jeu de plateau. Les personnages spéciaux par contre, un peu moins. Le nain est moche, très très moche...Bref, je passe a Black Plague et a des trucs nouveaux...

Wednesday 3 August 2016

ForgeWorld lizard

Accompanying the lizard are 2 models from Mierce Miniatures. It was great to paint and put together. Pictures are bit bad but unfortunately i'm not getting better at this.
Check Facebook page if you want to know more about what I'm up to as the Blog is taking the back seat.

Le gros lézard de chez forgeWorld accompagné de 2 personnages Mierce Miniatures. Ce fut un régal d'assembler le diorama et de le peindre...