Product review….NOT!!! More like product whinge.
I’m trying to experiment as many putties as possible in order to find a few I really like. I read a review a while ago talking about how awesome Tamiya putties were so I thought I’d have a go. As it happens they are really cheap and I managed to find a buy-one-get- one-free type of deal on EBay (alarm bells should have been ringing).
So what’s the problem with it? You probably can’t see it on the picture but on both parts there is a thick glossy layer that will not blend in. As you start mixing it, the layer breaks in small pieces that are so hard they feel like small pieces of broken glass. It’s not just unpleasant to mix (seriously you need mithril gauntlets to avoid injury) it means that you will never get a smooth mix therefore it’s impossible to use, unless you’re only going to use it to create jungle soil. Forget about trying to cut that layer off, the parts are too hard and the layer too thick. On top of that, the two parts are so tough to mix, you risk tendon damage the whole time.
I’m aware that it might be a faulty/old product, but I’ve got two of them and they’re both the same so I’m not planning on buying a third one. However I still recommend Tamiya products. In fact I really recommend Tamiya basic putty (2nd picture). It’s a fantastic little product. It comes in a tub, has the consistency of tooth paste and dry in less than 20mns. It’s absolutely brilliant for jobs like filling gaps on bases or scenery. Really cheap as well.

Revue de produit…OU PAS !!! Plutôt un coup de gueule.
J’essaie d’expérimenter la plupart des pâtes afin de trouver celles qui me conviennent le mieux. J’ai lu il y a quelques mois un article sur les produits Tamiya qui disait a quel point leur gamme de pâtes est fantastique donc je me suis dis pourquoi pas. Comme par hasard je trouve une offre sur EBay qui offre un paquet pour chaque paquet acheté (ca aurait du me mettre la puce a l’oreille^^).
Quel est le problème ? Ca ne se voit pas sur la photo mais il y a une couche épaisse et brillante sur les 2 parties. Quand on commence à mélanger les 2, ces couches se brisent en petits morceaux comme du verre. Déjà c’est très désagréable (il faut porter des gants en mithril pour éviter une blessure) mais en plus cela signifie qu’il est impossible d’obtenir une belle pâte homogène. Pas la peine d’essayer de découper ces couches cassantes avant de mixer : les 2 parties sont trop dures et les couches trop épaisses. En plus de ca, les 2 parties sont si dures a mélanger qu’il est presque impossible d’éviter la rupture de tendons du poignet.
Je suis conscient qu’il s’agit peut être la d’un produit défectueux ou trop vieux. Cela dit j’ai 2 paquets identiques et je n’ai pas l’intention d’en acheter un 3 eme. Cependant je recommande tout de même les produits Tamiya !!! En fait je recommande vraiment le Tamiya Basis Putty (2eme photo). C’est un super produit ! Dans un tube, il a la texture d’un dentifrice et sèche en moins de 20mns. Vraiment génial et top pour reboucher des trous sur des socles ou décors par exemple. Pour couronner le tout, il est pas cher du tout.
Thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteYes ... thank you .... and my hands than you as well !
ReplyDeleteHello, I think you mean the coating layer, and you have to remove it before mixing!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, You definitely forgot to remove the second foil ^^
ReplyDeleteyep, so you're the second person making a comment of about removing a layer. The thing is, the putty is so hard there's no way you can remove anything.
ReplyDeleteIt´s pretty obvious that both packages are *very* old, and that explains the buy 1 get 2 deal. All brands of epoxy putty get that way after their shelf life expires: a thick layer of dried putty forms on both components. Try a newer one next time.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the former sentiments. You're working with putty that is really old or defective. I've used both the Smooth Surface and Quick Type without the issue described. I definitely recommend trying again with a newer package of putty.
ReplyDeleteAgree just used my own the first 1cm of so (I've stored it for a couple of years) were hard, I just chopped them off, the rest was soft as .. putty.
ReplyDeleteAfter use I wrap it all back up in saran wrap to try to prevent any drying out!
This particular one is for wood, metal and ceramics only. It does not work with glass, rubber or plastics.
ReplyDeleteI've used this product and works just fine. Did you buy both at same time? If you did you got screwed with old stock.