I really like these, kind of make you think why didn’t I think about doing this?
Photographer Thomas Allen creates art out of dime-store novels, slices out pieces of their illustrated covers, and bends those slivers into three-dimensional action. Then, he carefully lights his subjects and photographs the scenes, dramatizing his work.
That’s just a small selection of my favourites but you can find plenty more over there:
Hope you like it.
J'aime vraiment beaucoup ces photos, tellement simple qu’on se demande pourquoi n'ai-je pas penser pas à faire ca? Photographe Thomas Allen crée a partir de romans de gare, découpe des morceaux de leur couverture, et les réarrange en trois dimensions. Ensuite, il les éclaire méticuleusement et photographie ces dioramas. C'est juste une petite sélection de mes favoris mais vous pouvez en trouver beaucoup plus là-bas.
J’espère que ca vous plaira.

Sort of creepy in an asthetic sort of way.
ReplyDeleteThat was one heck of a jammy find in the charity shop!!!!! All those old figures.!!
They're definitely different but good though.
ReplyDeleteI really like this, thanks for sharing!