Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Mansions of Madness – The Mi-Go

I’m trying to keep them coming as fast as I can but between the daytime job, new baby and a few commissions it will take a few weeks before it’s all done. Today, the Mi-Go, not the greatest minis in the box but they were quite unusual to paint. They really reminded me of some of the mobs in World of Warcraft. I used fluorescent pigments for the eyes and it’s working quite well I think, not too obvious on the pictures though.

Next, the Hounds of Tindalos…

J’essaie de les peindre rapidement mais entre le boulot, le nouveau bébé et quelques commandes, ca me prends du temps^^. Aujourd’hui, les Mi-Go. Pas les belles figurines de la boite mais elles furent quand même sympa à peindre. Elles me font vraiment penser à des mobs de World of Warcraft. J’ai utilisé des pigments fluo pour les yeux, ca marche plutôt bien mais ca se voit pas sur les photos.

A suivre, les Chiens de Tindalos…


  1. Very nice. I like your color choices.

  2. Hi,
    what are you using for the base on the monsters?
    I am painting this game right now and I could use an advice. (Thanks for the idea of wyrd inserts for good guys, btw.)

  3. Thanks. I used various flocks products (maybe 2-3 sizes of grain) and a few pieces of broken plaster. Just apply some Pva glue and randomly throw bits in it. I re-painted the base in black to blend with the scattered bits.

  4. Oh and I finished the flocking with some white Pumice. It's an already mixed product, comes in various grain. I used a very fine one, it works really well with all sorts of base jobs. It can be dilluted with a bit of water. I highly recommand it, always use on most bases.
