Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Mansions of Madness – Hounds of Tindalos

I’m not introducing this thread anymore; they’ve been coming up quite fast and lots more to as well. These creatures are about as weird as their name. They’re slightly different from one another except for the blue tongue which seems to be the thing with these Cthulhuesque hounds.

Not much to add, next are zombies, madmen and cultists…

Je ne fais plus d’introduction pour ces posts sur les « Demeures de l’épouvante », il y en a déjà eu pas mal et des tonnes à venir. Ces créatures sont à peu prés aussi étranges que leur nom. Je les ai faites légèrement différente à part la langue bleue qui semble être commune pour ces chiens.

Pas grand-chose à ajouter, prochainement des zombies, des psychopathes et des cultistes…


  1. Beautiful colors. Very special bases. Are those form a game? Have never seen them before. I like them. More of them.

  2. The bases come from the box of this game (Mansions of Madness). They're pretty big and are designed so that you can slot a mini card inside with stats and some kind of a hook in the back so you can put marquers (probably injuries, I've not fully read the rules yet).

    1. Thank you! must take a look at the game. The models already look nice and interesting and you painted them very well.

  3. They're some ugly ass but well painted Hounds....

  4. Excellente peinture !
    Un univers un peu glauque, quand même...
