Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Drazhoath The Ashen

Finally got it done this week end. A terrific mini with an insane amount of details, it was a real pleasure to paint this one.
I’m still working on my photographic skills though as the pictures give it a slight brighter look than what it is in reality. I do like the fantasy bright look, that pretty much how I paint everything but some areas are not as highlighted as it shows.

Anyway, hope you like it.

I include the manufacturer link and the CMON one if you fancy it.

Forge World Link


J’ai terminé la bête ce week end. Une super figurine avec une quantité de détails incroyables, ce fut un réel plaisir de la peindre. En revanche, je travaille toujours sur mes qualités de photographes^^. Les photos lui donnent un aspect plus brillant/éclairci qu’elle n’est en réalité. J’aime bien le style fantaisie presque cartoonesque, c’est plus ou moins comme ca que je peints toutes mes figurines mais certaines teintes sont plus sombres que ce qu’elles ne paraissent sur la photo.

Bref, j’espère que ca vous plaira.

J’ai mis le lien Forge World et CMON si vous avez envie.


  1. That is a fantastic model. Very nice paint job too (hand hovers over FW link and credit card...).

  2. That is lovely!!! Really "heavy2 looking...great paintwork.

  3. Incredible work, your a very talented chap!!!

  4. Very impressive beast! Nice use of the green in the dwarf's outfit against all the red.

  5. Fine piece of work Doctor ditto for the base a very good post also.

  6. This has to be one of your finest works. Just excellent! Great job.

  7. Amazing work Doc.

  8. the taurus is the best painted one i ve seen so far. loved the greens on the rider too...

    great job.

  9. i am going to start mine this weekend how u do the wings
    i am sean great job
