Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Skirmish Swamp Table

Swamp scenery for Skirmish games. I used the Lake town scenery pack and the Goblin town one from GW. The goblin pack required a bit of work as it was covered in bones and body parts unlike the Lake town one. I wanted to have a fairly generic looking wood so I scrapped all these bits offs. I might get some more to be able to make a bigger table but that's a good start.

Une table de jeu pour jouer dans des marais. J'ai utilisé 2 kits de chez GW, village goblin et lac. J'ai nettoyé tous les débris sur le bois du kit goblin pour avoir un effet pas trop typé.


  1. C'est vraiment magnifique, on s'y croirait!

  2. Excellent works - looks superb. :)

  3. Is that printed terrain under it? From where?

  4. Sorry for late reply. That's a mat from Deepcut Studio
