Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Monday 6 March 2017


I've just pimped my copy of Santorini by painting the 3 sets of characters. These are probably the worst miniatures I've painted since the "Fury of Dracula" ones. I don't understand why they went with such small models, I really believe the game would look better with bigger models. Anyway, it's an abstract game and they do the job I guess. Paint job was quick, I just wanted 3 different colours easily differentiated.

Je viens de finir les figurines du jeu de plateau "Santorini". C'est vraiment pas jojo comme modèles, les pires depuis la "Furie de Dracula". Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils ont utilises des figurines si petites, le jeu serait vraiment plus chouette avec une autre échelle..bref, le jeu fonctionne quand même et est super.

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