Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Casualties of War

“Casualties of War” is a series of plastic soldiers designed by Dorothy Collective that shows some of the troubles that await returning American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The figurines are inspired by articles in the Colorado Springs Gazette .

In July 2009 they published a two-part series entitled “Casualties of War”. The articles focused on a single battalion based at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, who since returning from duty in Iraq had been involved in brawls, beatings, rapes, drunk driving, drug deals, domestic violence, shootings, stabbings, kidnapping and suicides.

Returning soldiers were committing murder at a rate 20 times greater than other young American males.

More info here:

“Casualties of War “ (“Victimes de guerre”) est le nom donné à une série de soldats en plastic crée par Dorothy Collective et qui traite des problèmes liés au retour sur le sol Américain pour les vétérans d’Irak ou d’Afghanistan. Les figurines sont inspirées d’articles du Colorado Springs Gazette.

Ils ont publiées un article en 2 parties intitulé « Casualties of War ». L’article est centré sur un bataillon en particulier qui est basé à Fort Carson dans le Colorado et qui depuis son retour a été impliqué dans des séries d’affaires tels viols, bagarres, drogues, violence conjugales, assassinats, suicides...Etc.

Les soldats de retour commettent 20 fois plus de crimes que les jeunes Américains du même âge.


  1. To be honest I´m not suprised with those statistics...war is hell, and the casualty list will grow even after the war on "terror" has ended (a war on a euphamism can never end though)

  2. Those figures really speak to the nihilist / mysenthrope in me... Brilliant.
