Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Crab monsters

A quick update of recent paint jobs. I've just moved in the new place and I'm still without an internet  connection (slow death). I just finished this group and have no idea where they're from. I 've got no clue who did them so if any reader knows...please. I called them crab monsters because they look like like half ogres - half crabs. I initially thought they were from the Mortebrume range but they're not. Anyway, they're still some nice looking metal miniatures. I' ve been painting a lot in the last 2 weeks and will update regularly now although I'm doing it from an iPad which I HATE!!!

Petite mise a jour rapide. Je fais ca sur iPad (quelle horeur). J'ai pas mal peint donc je vais uploader pas mal de photos parcontre ca sera court niveau texte. Aucune idee d'ou viennent ces monstres moitie ogre-moitie crabes. De jolies figurines en tout cas...


  1. Those look like early Koralon sculpts from one of the incarnations of Void/Urban War. The company name has changed a lot, but it may have been iKore. Nice paint job either way.

    1. Found them. They're Koralon Assault Araktons, made by Ikore, for the Void system.

  2. Wow, thanks Derek,that's brilliant!!! I need to edit that post later. i had never heard of these.

  3. Well what ever they are they look pretty cool!

  4. Ils sont horribles ces monstres mais tu as réussi à en faire quelque chose d'intéressant.

    Content de te revoir dans notre monde!

    Purée, obligé d'utiliser un Ipad ! c'est monstrueux aussi!
