Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Drazhoath The Ashen WIP

I was taking pictures of some other stuff so I thought I might as well take these ones as I started a WIP thread. I made some good progress on it today. I’ve been mainly working on the Taurus. I split the wings and the body as it would be too large and too awkward to handle together. I have to say the sculpting on the whole thing is amazing. The amount of textures and details are incredible, even more details than you can see on the selling website, I’m really impressed.

It does mean lots of work though…

Je prenais beaucoup de photos cet après midi donc j’en ai profité pour prendre celles-ci vu que j’avais commencé un post dessus. J’ai bien avancé dessus. J’ai principalement travaillé sur le Taurus. J’ai séparé les ailes et le corps car cela aurait été trop délicat à peindre en une seule pièce. Je dois dire que je suis super impressionné par le travail de sculpture. Il y a des tonnes de détails et de textures, c’est assez incroyable, même des détails que l’on ne voit pas sur les photos de leur site.

Par contre ca veut aussi dire beaucoup de boulot…


  1. it odes look a very complicated sculpt..but with your skills it´ll turn out looking great

  2. There's a lot of detail there, good luck Stefan......

  3. That's a beautiful mini. I'm glad it's you painting it, and not me. You can do justice to it. I'm looking forward to seeing more on this.

  4. nice work so far! looks like a very fun mini to do
