Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Thorvin The Great WIP

A quick WIP picture I took this morning while I was doing a series of pictures for other stuff. Isn’t he a handsome dwarf??? Mini from Enigma Miniatures, one of my all times favourite manufacturer. I wasn’t planning of showing a wip for so little but I had the picture so…

I’ve been using it to practice a few mix of colours I’ll be using for a whole unit later. It's actually very much inspired from the studio paintjob of that particular mini.I’m not planning on spending 24 hours on it so I’ll just finish highlights + metals, a few glazes here and there and basta. I think I’ll base it on a base from one of my sets. We’ll see…

Je prenais des photos en série ce matin pour d’autres projets et j’ai pris une photo du bonhomme vu qu’il était sur la planche. N’est-il pas magnifique ??? Figurine de chez Enigma, une de mes marques préférées. Donc voila, travail en cours, vu que j’avais la photo...

Je l’ai utilisé pour pratiquer une combinaison de couleurs que j’utiliserais plu tard sur une unité. En fait, c’est largement inspiré de la peinture studio de cette pièce même.Je ne vais pas passer 24 heures dessus donc la suite ca sera éclaircissements + métaux, quelques glacis par ci par la et puis basta. Pour le socle. J’utiliserais une pièce d’un de mes sets, je pense. On verra…


  1. The figure looks very good. And I like the colors you've used very much!


  2. Great face on that figure, lovely work.

  3. excellent paint on a very nice figure. You do very good work.

  4. Lovely paint work,your stuff is brilliant!

  5. That is stunning, especially if it's 28mm. It looks to me like you've added detail which isn't there, like a sense of strands in the beard and the texture of that face. There's a kind of magic in that paint job.

  6. Thanks for the comments, that's 28mm indeed. The magic is in the sculpt, a real pleasure to paint, the guy is a true master.

  7. This sculpt is amazing and great fun to work with. I've got one of these too, and althought it's slightly bigger than the average GW dwarf, it can look great as a hero. Your colour scheme is awesome, by the way; looking forward to seeing the progress.
