Painting, Sculpting and Modelling for Games.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Hearthsworn Fighter

Another piece done for the Super Dungeon Explore game. This one is a dwarf hero and one of the good guys. I’ve sort of kept the colours from the art work. It was a pretty quick job as I’m trying to get them done before 2015.
Not much to add, it’s a figure I really like and enjoyed painting.
We’ll see how he fares on the board.

Une pièce de plus de finie pour le jeu « Super Dungeon Explore ». C’est un nain et un des « bons » gars. J’ai essayé de garder plus ou moins les couleurs des modèles dans le livre de règles. Je l’ai peint rapidement, j’aimerais quand même bien finir ce set avant 2015.
Pas grand-chose à ajouter sur la figurine, c’est une mini que j’aime beaucoup et qui fut très sympa à peindre.
On verra ce qu’il vaut dans le donjon.


  1. He's beautifully done especially the facial hair....

  2. Love this, great job! wouldnt mind picking up SDE at some point.

  3. Looks great! I like the copper color armor. I'm tempted to pick up the game: it looks like a fun painting project, something different.

  4. Need to echo Laughing Ferret here.. am very tempted to pick up the game, even with the poor reviews I see online. Your paint job though is not the common super Anime look, which is awesome! Shows that they models, even without a lot of texture, can look great even with normal painting techniques! Inspirational mate!

  5. Brilliant level of beardiness.
